Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Last night, there was a huge traffic accident on 281 near the airport where a BigRig overturned after colliding with the bridge posts - traffic was rerouted last night, there are still problems today from the repairs being done to the infrastructure -- and luckily, there was not a huge loss of life.
The driver was not hurt, and no other cars were involved.
Still, it makes one think -- criminal defense attorneys see the aftermath of lots of car accidents that don't turn out so well.
Here are some things to keep in mind should you ever come across a car crash before help arrives:

1. Call 911. Don't assume you know everything to be done. And, don't hang up -- the operator should remain on the line until the police arrive.

2. Alert oncoming traffic that you're there. Lift the hood of your car, turn on your flashers, use flares if you have them -- the goal is to make it very clear to all passersby that you are there, and there's a collision. You want to keep yourself safe as well as the crash victims.

3. Sniff. If you smell gas, keep a safe distance and don't do anything that might cause a spark. That includes using your cell phone, move away from the fumes to make your call.

4. Help the victims with the aid of the 911 operator -- moving victims can sometimes cause more harm, and the paramedics know what to do. Covering them with blankets is usually okay: shock can be life-threatening as it lowers blood pressure and keeping victims warm and dry helps with shock. Talk to the victims, let them know help is on the way.

5. When help arrives, step back. Tell the police your contact info when they ask you for it, give the paramedics info on the victims when they ask you for it. Don't leave, but don't interfere with the professionals.

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